Markham Freehold Market Report - July 2020

Markham Freehold Market Report - July 2020

In July 2020, the market of Markham remains as one of the extraordinarily strong seller's markets in the Great Toronto Area.

Many buyers are bidding on Town and Semi-Detached houses with 3 bedrooms and 1 Garage. On average it takes less than 10 days to sell this type of house. The average price of this type of property jumps around 12% year on year, now $886K. The number of sold units increased by 40% while new listings only increased by 27%. We foresee that the price will further climb in the following months.


The average price of 4 bedrooms and 2 garages detached remains steady, contributing to almost a third of total freehold units sold in the last month. Now if you plan to buy this type of house in Markham, you will need to spend on average $1.428M. In this month, I helped one of my clients bought a similar house with over 3000 square feet in Markham Unionville. It is a rare opportunity to buy this house at comparable price. My client is extremely happy to purchase the perfect home after we searched through countless properties.

We estimate prices will remain strong in Markham as there are 8% more new listings added, contrasting the 17% more sold listings from the previous month.

If you plan to move to Markham or you want to learn more about real estate investment opportunities in Markham, please contact Alan Zheng 647-877-9311.